We consider the activities of realizing the sustainability of the company and building a sustainable future with society by practicing the following “Corporate Code of Conduct” as CSR.


We respect and comply with laws and social norms as a matter of course, and conduct our management and business based on ethics and morality as a human being. We have established a PDCA cycle for "risk," formulated a code of conduct, and conducted training to create an environment in which we can focus on our core business and management as a mindset. We also respond to BCP and BCM (Business Continuity Management).

Promotion of Communication with Society:

We aim to be a company that can earn the trust of stakeholders by valuing communication with them, conducting sufficient two-way communication, reflecting the results in management, and aiming for a sustainable future with

Social Contribution:

We deliver safety and safety to everyone through our products, based on the idea that companies are also members of civil society. As an example of our social contribution, we donated Pro7earthquake-resistant pads to all blind schools, deaf schools, and support school in Osaka Prefecture. We have also donated to areas affected by earthquakes such as Nagaoka City in Niigata Prefecture and Komatsu City in Ishikawa Prefecture.

Environment Protection:

Proseven will promote sustainability by reducing environmental impact as much as possible and advancing business activities that achieve harmony with the environment.

Gaining Customer Trust:

We will contribute to society by constantly striving to provide services from the consumer's perspective and earning the trust of consumers. We will also treat personal information related to customer privacy with the utmost care and manage it strictly to prevent information leakage and unauthorized use.

Establishing Trust with Business Partners:

Our company has established a code of conduct to thoroughly enforce intellectual property rights and has made it clear how to handle intellectual property and confidential information. We have also conducted training and other measures to ensure that this is well-known within the company.

Labor environment:

We always strives to be creative in our daily work, never neglecting effort and aiming for efficient work to reduce working hours and achieve a work-life balance.

Sound Relationship with Politics and Administration:

Proseven is committed to maintaining transparent relationships with politicians and public officials, refraining from excessive entertainment or gifts, regardless of whether they are business or personal.

Fighting Anti-Social Forces:

Proseven has a zero-tolerance policy towards anti-social forces that threaten public order and safety. We will not engage in any form of relationship with such groups and will resolutely respond to any unreasonable demands with a firm and resolute stance.