Useful Tips for Disaster Preparedness

Prevent Hypothermia in Disasters

Warmth Saves Lives;

While staying hydrated is essential during disasters, maintaining body temperature takes precedence.

When a person’s body temperature drops below 35 degrees Celsius, their vital functions begin to deteriorate. A core body temperature below 32 degrees Celsius can result in serious complications including altered consciousness and respiratory failure, potentially leading to death.

On the other hand, dehydration tends to progress relatively slowly. Symptoms such as thirst and headache may appear, and in severe cases, it can lead to altered consciousness or kidney failure. However, it can be improved by adequate hydration.


If your body temperature drops too low, you can develop hypothermia, which can be life-threatening. If you’re in a disaster and can’t get heat or warm food, it’s important to keep warm to prevent hypothermia.

Countermeasures for hypothermia in the event of insufficient measures in a disaster:

1. Huddling together for warmth.

2. Share something warm.

3. Move one’s body.

4. Reuse a plastic bottle. (By filling a plastic bottle with hot water, you can create a makeshift hot water bottle.)

5. Wrap oneself in cardboard or newspaper.

6. Utilize emergency thermal blankets and heat packs.

7. Seek medical attention.

warm up with paper


• Hypothermia can be difficult to recognize until symptoms like altered consciousness or difficulty breathing appear. It's important for those around you to monitor for signs of hypothermia and take immediate action to warm the person if any changes are noticed.

• If left untreated, hypothermia can be fatal. It is crucial to take appropriate measures as soon as possible.