Useful Tips for Disaster Preparedness

Preparing for Toilets in Emergencies

In the event of an emergency, such as an earthquake, toilets are one of the most critical lifelines. Disruptions to water supply and damage to toilets can make it difficult to use the restroom. Therefore, it is essential to prepare toilet supplies in advance for emergencies.

Essential Toilet Supplies

Portable toilets: Aim to have enough for 5 uses per person per day for 7 days. Choose the type that best suits your needs and situation.

Garbage Bags: When using a portable toilet, you’ll need garbage bags to dispose of waste. Double bagging them for extra security is recommended.

Toilet Tissue: In the event of a disaster, there is a possibility of disruptions to the supply of toilet tissue. It is advisable to have a larger supply on hand than you normally would.

Wet wipes: These can be used for hand sanitizing and wiping after using the toilet.

Hand sanitizer, Work gloves, Face mask

Disaster relief toilet
portable toilet

Making a makeshift toilet: If portable toilets are unavailable, you can create one using cardboard boxes or plastic bags. Search online for instructions.

• It is important to ensure privacy when using the toilet so as not to disturb others.

toilet tissue
public lavatory

Let’s prepare toilet supplies in advance for emergencies. By knowing how to use the toilet and taking precautions during elimination beforehand, we can respond calmly in a crisis.

Information Gathering

・Local government information: Check the website of your local government for information on toilets during emergencies.
・Disaster drills: Participate in local disaster drills to learn how to use toilets during emergencies.