Pro7 seismic brackets have been installed on shelves in various locations to prevent earthquakes!
Equipment: Compact refrigerator 【Medical office】
Seismic bracket:SBS-N1054L
Fixing method: As there was not sufficient space on the floor of both sides to install metal brackets, “Anti Tip Straps with Gel Pads” was fixed. To reinforce the strength, “Wallpaper protection film” was applied on the wall.
Equipment: Compact refrigerator 【Staff dining room】
Seismic bracket:SBS-N1054L
Fixing method: Since there was no space to install brackets on the left and right floor surfaces of the refrigerator, it was secured to the wall using a “Anti Tip Straps with Gel Pads” on the back handle of the refrigerator and the wall. The wall was reinforced by applying a “Wallpaper reinforcement film”
Equipment: :Steel wire rack 【Office】
Seismic bracket:SBS-N1054L
Fixing method: The rack was placed against wall. “wallpaper protection film” was applied on the wall and “Anti Tip Straps with Gel Pads” was connected between the wall and rack poles. The total of 4 pieces were used for eathquake-proof.